Yutani, Miss Maia, Prince K, and Zoe could be drifters which gives them smooth floor rolls and also allow them to move while rolling on the ground, these are suggestions. Boombot, Ninja, Ella, and Tasha could be jump, which gives them double jump and also higher jumps. Tag bot, King, and Frank could be scorers which gives them more coins and more time using power-ups. I think to spice up the game maybe some characters could have classes, like Jake, Fresh, and Tricky are runners which means they are faster. The game can be very fun on its own but nowadays things like Marvel Snap or Marvel Contest of Champions require a lot of strategy and I’m not saying to make it strategic. My suggestion is to stop making spin-offs of the game. So a while back I made a review and then edited it this month. If you’re not a dev then I don’t think you’ll find this useful. I literally made this for the Devs to see/ king Topor