Your mileage might vary of course.ACCESS GODADDY EMAIL Access GoDaddy email in Laptops/PCs Browsers ( Godaddy Email Login ) You can use Outlook’s automatic email discovery option if you prefer but I find it a little intermittent in its efficiency.

Enter your incoming mail server, ‘’ and Port 110 for POP3 or ‘’ and Port 143 for IMAP.Add your GoDaddy email address again if prompted.Select IMAP or POP3 depending on what you use.Enter your GoDaddy email address and password into the boxes.Depending on the manufacturer of the phone, this may be a branded app. You can always install one if you don’t have one. Depending on the phone you have and the version of Android, there may not be a default email app. There is a GoDaddy email app too if you prefer. You can access GoDaddy Workspace Webmail through the Android browser or Android email app. Link GoDaddy Workspace Webmail to an Android phone

Remember to use as strong a password as you can to keep your email account secure. If you have linked your GoDaddy email account with your phone, Outlook or other email client, you will need to change it there too. Select a new password and type it into the New Password box and Confirm new Password box.Select Email, Settings and Personal Settings.To change your Workspace Webmail password, do this: